How To Tweet Your Way to a Job

According to a 2011 study by Jobvite, 8,000,000 Americans say they landed their current job thanks to Twitter. Yes, you read that correctly…8 million!

Now, with trending topics such as #youstillsinglecuz and #failedchildrensbooktitles, Twitter can seem like a trivial, silly place. However, when used properly, Twitter can be an excellent place to network and find job opportunities.

Finding a job through Twitter is all about strategy. Tweeting, “I need a job” isn’t going to help you find employment. Here are 5 strategies to help you score a job using Twitter.

  1. Get Professional – If you want employers to seriously consider you as a candidate, your profile should look professional. Your avatar should be appropriate. (That picture of you from last Halloween? …probably not the best approach) choose a picture that is friendly, intriguing, and showcases who you are. Your bio should be free of profanity or any comments that may be a red flag to employers. Individuality on Twitter is vital, so be sure to let people know who you are, but try to keep your profile PG.
  2. Link It Up – Include your LinkedIn URL on your profile. This is a great and effortless way to let people see your professional work experience with one click! A 2011 study found that 53% of employers use Twitter to screen prospective employees. Adding your LinkedIn info to your Twitter account makes it easy for people to find your professional experience, and it shows that you are serious about networking through social media.
  3. Be Choosy – One of the most fantastic things about Twitter is the ability to pick and choose the content in your feed. You do this by picking the right people to follow. If you are looking to get hired through Twitter, follow people of value, people who can provide content to you in the industry you are interested in. Follow companies that you are interested in, even better, follow employees that work at that company. Reach out to them, Tweet them, and let them know you are looking for a job. This is an excellent way to show that you are a go-getter and you know how to use social media.
  4. Tweet It Out – Twitter has over 500 million active users. Let them know that you are looking for work! Tweet, “Marketing maven with 5 years experience, currently seeking full time position in Boston, RT please!” Tell people you are looking for work and ask your followers to RT and spread the word for you. Use #career #jobs #hiring, Hashtags are a fantastic way to get your tweet found by other Twitter users.
  5. Get to Guru Status –To become successful on Twitter and really increase yourTwitter following, it’s important to have an area of expertise. Your area of expertise doesn’t necessarily have to be the industry or job you are interested in.  Be sure to pick something you are knowledgeable and passionate about. Tweet links, articles, videos, and content about that particular interest so you become a trusted source of information in that area within the Twitter community. This shows employers that you understand the purpose of Twitter (to share content) and are able to strategize.

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